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Wow, Myriam. You are an inspiration. Congratulations on your venture. We are right behind you and can't wait to tell everybody about Mytinerary.

Wishing you every success.

Robin :)

Simon Food Favourites

all the very best with you new project. sounds great. :-)



This is a fantastic venture and will let as many people as I can know about it. Maybe we can do an #NSCM at one of your exotic Sydney locations?

Cheers, Iggy


Robin > Hi Robin, thank you so, so much for your support and inspiring advice!! This means A LOT to me you know... Well, as I said earlier, I can't wait to come up with an amazing itinerary in Paris just for you ; - )

Simon > Thank you Simon, much appreciated!!


félicitations! ici on y croit à fond; c'est sûr, ça va marcher du tonnerre; on va suivre ta belle aventure, c'est vraiment de la belle ouvrage ..

Paul Wallbank

Hi Myriam,

The tours look fantastic and are a great opportunity to show visitors some of the lesser known but still wonderful gems of Sydney.

Good look with the venture.

Cheers, Paul


Well done Myriam I wish you every success in your new career change. You have achieved something that most don't because you have put yourself out there and created a new challenge. Cheers to you.


Mardi > Awww, thanks a lot for your kind words Mardi... It is indeed a challenge but a great one, where I'm learning new things and acquiring new skills every day. So regardless of whether or not the business eventually takes off (I hope it will!), it's been a very positive move anyway!


Marithe > Merci madame, c'est super gentil!! Promis, apres le mariage et les depenses qui vont avec, quand tu pourras revenir nous voir a Sydney, je te ferai un tour de mes destinations coup de coeur a Sydney!! Bisous


Iggy > Thanks Iggy! And great idea about doing one of the #nscm at one of my locations, I'll get cracking!


Paul > Thank you for your support! And I'll definitely take up your advice about contacting the City of Sydney about my "Green with Envy" sustainable design tours. Fingers crossed they're interested...


Hi Myriam! Looks like a wonderful project you've got here! I am always impressed when people are able to switch careers and do something they truly love! Best of luck!


Trissa > Thanks a lot for your support!! I find it really energizing to switch careers like that - really gets you out of your comfort zone. It's stressful, I'm not going to lie, but then the rewards of seeing your ideas in action and your business grow make it really worth it... Fingers crossed now, I've just done a baby step and still have a mountain of work ahead of me!


beautiful! Mytinerary is such a promising venture, here's wishing you all the best, and you know you have our support :)


Mei > Thank you hon, you're the bestest!! And here's wishing you all the best for the new Brasserie Bread CBD outlets ; - )

Lorraine @NotQuiteNigella

Congratulations Myriam! You've worked so hard to get here and I'm so happy that it's now launched! :D xxx


Myriam, many many congratulations on following your passion & getting your business started! Not to mention your fabulous promotion in Daily Addict. Once a PR girl....

Sophie HA


Hi Soph, thanks a lot for your super sweet comment!!! I'm taking it one day at a time, there are ups and down but I'm still really proud of what I've managed to achieve in a couple of months.

And congrats to you as well for www.BroodyFoodie.com.au, it's a fantastic idea and I wish you all the best for it ;-)

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  • Hello there! I’m Myriam, a passionate French foodie, expat, chocolate aficionado and private tour guide living in Sydney, Australia. This blog is where I talk about the Sydney I love - its diverse dining scene, vibrant creative community, fabulous events and picture-perfect landscapes. Care to join me for a walk?





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