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That's an excellent post and important question, Myriam.

My family heritage is such that cooking is taught in the home from an early age as it is such an integral part of the sharing, richness and tapestry of family life.

Sure, build on it at school. Why not?

Best to you, Robin :)


Thanks for your feedback, Robin!

I'm the same with regards to our family heritage.

It will be interesting to see how schools leverage the whole MasterChef frenzy, which has already massively impacted the way kids perceive cooking, which is now becoming a cool thing to do.

Andrew Blanda

My boys already help out in the kitchen, from making sandwiches for lunch, through to making porridge and helping with dinner. One thing we must be careful of is to ensure there's time and space for it in school - too many people claim 'school' already has too much in it and teachers are do-it-all'ers (social worker, negotiator, educator, babysitter, etc).

My take: we need to kick-start this at home in conjunction with school. Myriam, it sounds like for both you and Robin this was already being done in the home. :-)


mademoiselle delicieuse

As someone who's Chinese, I'd want to see my kids be able to marinate meat decently and be able to cook a stir-fry. Steaming a whole fish and chopping a whole chicken (raw or cooked) come to mind as well, as I haven't mastered either of these skills. Be able to fry an egg is fairly basic but important as well.

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella

Hehe I think you might be able to guess my answer as we're friends but absolutely yes. I look at my husband and as wonderful as he is, he doesn't cook and will starve and eat donuts and yogurt if left to his own devices :P


Hi Andrew, couldn't agree more with you there!! I think this is so important... I mean, I agree that it's "useful" to learn how to use a compass for instance, but it's probably as important to learn how to use a knife!

PS: reading your comment, I think "making a decent sandwich" should also go on the list of essential cooking skills...


Dear Mademoiselle Delicieuse! You're 100% right, these are really essential skills as well, thank you for sharing ;-)


LOL Lorraine! Maybe you should run "Cooking Essentials Bootcamps" for people like Mr NQN so they can survive in this wild, wild world when cooking geniuses such as yourself are not around ;-)

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Awesome tips.

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  • Hello there! I’m Myriam, a passionate French foodie, expat, chocolate aficionado and private tour guide living in Sydney, Australia. This blog is where I talk about the Sydney I love - its diverse dining scene, vibrant creative community, fabulous events and picture-perfect landscapes. Care to join me for a walk?





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