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A beautiful post and brilliant signposting of Sydney's performing arts secrets, Myriam. Thank you for doing this for our world-class performing artists.

Best, Robin :)


Thanks Robin! PS: got to see another fabulous play by the Sydney Theatre Company, 'True West' - you would have loved it...

green tie

I know someone from the field of theater who collects ties. He said that he has used his neckties for several auditions already, and they have won a few roles. I guess it's because each of his ties gives him a different personality, and that helps him in his way of getting into character.

- Cliff Spears

Coach Outlet

precedent or not That case came with the appearance of surprise upon the whole profession. It

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  • Hello there! I’m Myriam, a passionate French foodie, expat, chocolate aficionado and private tour guide living in Sydney, Australia. This blog is where I talk about the Sydney I love - its diverse dining scene, vibrant creative community, fabulous events and picture-perfect landscapes. Care to join me for a walk?





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