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Frances Jones

When I was 18, I travelled around Australia for a year. I lived with Rangers at Ubirr in Kakadu National Park, so am very familiar with it. It is a different world, of thunderstorms, lightning man spirits and wild crocodiles. Not for the faint hearted.


Oh wow, what a unique experience Frances - not for the faint hearted indeed!

Ubirr was one of my favourite places, the views from there are really breathtaking..

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wow! Nice sunset! I want to go to Ubirr with my wife and my kids. Thanks!

Kakadu National Park

The images in your article are awesome. Seriously Kakadu National Park provides plenty of opportunity to view nature and man made marvels resting at one place. Plus the satisfaction after visiting this park is huge.

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  • Hello there! I’m Myriam, a passionate French foodie, expat, chocolate aficionado and private tour guide living in Sydney, Australia. This blog is where I talk about the Sydney I love - its diverse dining scene, vibrant creative community, fabulous events and picture-perfect landscapes. Care to join me for a walk?





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