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JB Giustiniani

I'm starving now, thank to you Mimi!! I wish I could tomorrow to do some groceries, great place to visit.

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella

I do like cheese although I have a real limit as to how much I can have (same with ice cream). But I absolutely adore cheese!


Merci JB ;-)

Lorraine > Hello darling! I'm with you here, cheese is like Champagne, ice-cream and chocolate in a way - good but to be consumed with moderation...

event catering los angeles

Well when I was going out for to take lunch/dinner I only believe is that
"A dinner which ends without cheese is like a beautiful woman with only one eye."


That shop looks like pure heaven!

Polo Outlet Online

A good blog always comes-up with new and exciting information and while reading I have feel that this blog is really have all those quality that qualify a blog to be a good one.


I would love to visit this shop!

roulette en ligne

Oh my!!! cheese!! I'm craving for cheese at this moment.

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  • Hello there! I’m Myriam, a passionate French foodie, expat, chocolate aficionado and private tour guide living in Sydney, Australia. This blog is where I talk about the Sydney I love - its diverse dining scene, vibrant creative community, fabulous events and picture-perfect landscapes. Care to join me for a walk?





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