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Tony Hollingsworth

Thrilled to hear about this Myriam - thanks for sharing. I love cycling around Sydney, and Redfern/Waterloo/Surry Hills a perfect area to explore by bike with so much to see and do. I've visited those galleries in Danks St (a favourite part of the city for me) and would love to have a guided tour there. The galleries and exhibitions are fascinating.

We're lucky to have you uncovering the best of what our city has to offer.


Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella

Hehe well apparently I have agreed to learn how to ride a bike according to Mr NQN! I have t say that when we went on a tandem bike in Vancouver we had a blast!

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This looks like so much fun! Wish I could join you there for a lovely little trip. Thanks for brightening my day with these pics.

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I would really love to visit this place. I don't want to miss the beauty of Sydney!

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  • Hello there! I’m Myriam, a passionate French foodie, expat, chocolate aficionado and private tour guide living in Sydney, Australia. This blog is where I talk about the Sydney I love - its diverse dining scene, vibrant creative community, fabulous events and picture-perfect landscapes. Care to join me for a walk?





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